Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This is a rather tough post for me to write... I've been unemployed now for over 4 years... and there are many factors that account for this...
1. I lost my drivers Licenses about 5 years ago...( thank you MI Drivers Responsibility Fee )
Now this was in part to my driving and what not... and even has to do a bit with crowd of people I chose to hang out with at that time in my life... I didn't lost my Licenses due to drinking and driving like most... as I don't drink...
2. For the last 4 years, up until about 2 months ago... I Stayed WAY OUT in the boones.. with my grandparents... My grandfather was recovering from some heart surgery and ended up having to get a chunk of his stomach cut out due to the fact that he was taking an asprin regiment... but he was using the WAY to strong stuff like 375mg... asprin is acidic... and if your supposed to take a regimen make sure its the 81mg stuff...
And my Grandmother has parkensens... so needless to say... I stayed with them, and took care of them for 4 years, nearly 5, and they let me and my family stay there with them. I was a commforable situation.

It was about 5 months ago now that I had realized what I had done to myself... and now I'm paying the price...
I've exhusted all my savings, and this economy stinks. I've applied for many jobs from MickyD's to Consulting Possitions... but the fact of the matter is this... I have this 4 year gap that makes me look Extremely Lax... and I'm losing out the the much younger and more active...

I write this message to remind people... that you must, MUST, percervier... you gotta stick it out... despite all my short commings, I've managed to find a home... granted... my mother owns this home, so it gives me a sense of security... but I know that she can't help me with this forever... as has been said many times before me... all good things come to an end.

Don't make the mistakes that I've made in my life... consider the people you choose to hang around with... they are the people that help shape your life... stay in school... goto college... ( although I have seen MANY with degrees in my situation), and stick it out... put your best foot forward and you'll get the best in return...

I've put myself into a hole, and now I have to dig my way back out. Take a lesson from me... stay away from the shovel.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Go-GIver: Part 2

Today in the mail, thanks to a connection on Twitter... @buddhaqueen077, I received the book, The Go-Giver. Now in the beginning I was expecting all the hype around the book to be just that, a bunch of hype. But, when I actually got that book into my hands and began reading it, and read I did, I could not set it down. I read the book cover to cover in just about 3 hours. And let me tell you, it made me think... a lot. Especially about myself, and how wrong I've been in my pursuit for success. I've been measuring success by how much money one has in there bank account... this is an inaccuracy. As success is measured by how much value you add to the lives of others around you.
And truth be told... I've not been adding very much value to the people around me. In fact, I've been more a detriment to friends and family, and more so to myself... It's sad, but good moment in your life when you finally realize these realities. As now, I can finally start to move forward.

I'm not quite sure what that means yet... to move forward... but I know now in my heart, that I have a lot bridges to mend.

I've spent the last four years Jobless and blaming everyone else for it, the way I grew-up, it was my parents fault, the Government is out to get me, and so on. THE LIST OF EXCUSES I'VE MADE IS ENDLESS!!! And the fact of the matter is this. They mean nothing. I've been the only force in my life that has been holding me back. And its about time I stopped and smelled the roses... and that's exactly what I intend to do.

If there is anything I can do to help those of you out there... please... don't hesitate to ask... and I'll see what I can do to help you. But for starters, I do recommend that your read 'The Go-Giver' by Bob Burg and John David Mann. It was an excellent read, and help me open my eyes.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Go-Giver

There seems to be tons of Hype surrounding this book by Bob Burg, title The Go-Giver. Now, I've not yet had a chance to read this book for myself, but the strangest thing happened to me while watching The Go-Giver Tour LIVE. There in that chat watching Brad, Brian, Gilbert, Bob, and so many others, speaking about the Go-Giver at convention in Orlando. A lady offered to send me a copy of the book. I'm REALLY looking forward to it and I CAN'T WAIT, to digest all of its words chapter by chapter, page by page.

These guys have done a VERY successful job of stiring my curiosity, and if its working for them... there must be something in this book that I can gleen from it.

From what I'm understanding... its all about giving... and for me... it seems the giving has already begun... I can't wait till I get the opertunity to "Pay it forward" myself.

I urge you to check out and
and check out what these guys have to say. you can find them all in my list of who I am following on Twitter.

I know this was a short post. But needed to let others know of my Excitement.

The BOOM Theory

Recently, and even long before President Obama came into office, we all heard talks of a withdraw from Iraq. Now, I don't know how everyone feels on this issue but I'm pretty sure that most of the nation is/was behind this IDEA of withdraw. Hell, most of us disagreed with going there in the first place. Yet, it still happened (so much for power to the people), and here we are today some 5 years later. We're still talking about this Withdraw, and we've even heard talk of what President Obama would like to call a responsible withdraw. HMMMM...

If you ask me, and I know you didn't... I think the responsible action would have been to figure the problem out in the first place. Now, I'm not going to dawdle on the shortcommings that brought the US into Iraq in the first place, as we've all heard the propoganda and read tons of the conspiracy theories and all that whatnot. What I do want to rant about is this.

For those of you who are Die Hard Obama supporters, I apologize in advance. But heres my opinion on the matter. People of the USA, we were duped... once again... we had a man... a very powerful speaker, talking of bringing change to this depressed nation. Let me tell you, we got change all right. We went from generation of Lying white politicians to on of a fairly darker complexion. And yet, we have a Nation of people who are just TOTALLY blinded by this.

This "responsible withdraw" that we've all heard so much about, is planned to be a SUSTAINED WITHDRAW, as this is the way weapons manufactures and big time defence contractors make lots of dollars. Has anyone ever asked about this contrived farce in the economy? It was planned of course... to draw our attention away from this "war" and the "withdraw". And let me tell you, they're doing a damn good job of swaying peoples minds the way they want people to think.
Why are these defence contractors not asking for some of this "Bailout money"? Well, because they don't need it... for them business is BOOMING... Literally. And the longer "we the people" let this happen, their business will always be BOOMING. Thats just the way they like it.
I implore you all. Look into this, do the research and write your own BOOM theory.

Spread the word and help change the world. We've all been slaves to the Corpritocricy for WAY to long, and its about time that we all had our wake up call.

Hey this is my First Blog

Hey there people, if you couldn't tell from the title... this is my first ever blog post on blogger.
Now I'm not much of a blogger myself, but, I'm trying to make room for blogging in my schedule...
(ya know between siting on the couch and watching TV and Playing Combat Arms) as my time seems to be fill with tons of things to do (most of which I handle with the "Why do today what you can put off till tomarrow" method.)

I started this Blog today with the intentions of bettering my writing skills, and to try (emphasis on the try part) to get into the habit of keeping some sort of record of my time and events that pass in my life.

I have a few subjects in mind on which to blog about, something about whats going on in Iraq and the very lamely named "Withdraw" from Iraq. I will touch more on this subject in my next post... but for now. Its time to eat. See you all soon.