Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hey this is my First Blog

Hey there people, if you couldn't tell from the title... this is my first ever blog post on blogger.
Now I'm not much of a blogger myself, but, I'm trying to make room for blogging in my schedule...
(ya know between siting on the couch and watching TV and Playing Combat Arms) as my time seems to be fill with tons of things to do (most of which I handle with the "Why do today what you can put off till tomarrow" method.)

I started this Blog today with the intentions of bettering my writing skills, and to try (emphasis on the try part) to get into the habit of keeping some sort of record of my time and events that pass in my life.

I have a few subjects in mind on which to blog about, something about whats going on in Iraq and the very lamely named "Withdraw" from Iraq. I will touch more on this subject in my next post... but for now. Its time to eat. See you all soon.

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