Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Go-GIver: Part 2

Today in the mail, thanks to a connection on Twitter... @buddhaqueen077, I received the book, The Go-Giver. Now in the beginning I was expecting all the hype around the book to be just that, a bunch of hype. But, when I actually got that book into my hands and began reading it, and read I did, I could not set it down. I read the book cover to cover in just about 3 hours. And let me tell you, it made me think... a lot. Especially about myself, and how wrong I've been in my pursuit for success. I've been measuring success by how much money one has in there bank account... this is an inaccuracy. As success is measured by how much value you add to the lives of others around you.
And truth be told... I've not been adding very much value to the people around me. In fact, I've been more a detriment to friends and family, and more so to myself... It's sad, but good moment in your life when you finally realize these realities. As now, I can finally start to move forward.

I'm not quite sure what that means yet... to move forward... but I know now in my heart, that I have a lot bridges to mend.

I've spent the last four years Jobless and blaming everyone else for it, the way I grew-up, it was my parents fault, the Government is out to get me, and so on. THE LIST OF EXCUSES I'VE MADE IS ENDLESS!!! And the fact of the matter is this. They mean nothing. I've been the only force in my life that has been holding me back. And its about time I stopped and smelled the roses... and that's exactly what I intend to do.

If there is anything I can do to help those of you out there... please... don't hesitate to ask... and I'll see what I can do to help you. But for starters, I do recommend that your read 'The Go-Giver' by Bob Burg and John David Mann. It was an excellent read, and help me open my eyes.


  1. Matt, I have been coaching clients on the principles of The Go-Giver for over a year and I have NEVER heard such a heartfelt response. You ARE the only force in your life with the force to hold you back - do you know how much POWER that puts in your hands? And I think you are seeing what you can do with that power. You're taking a huge first step in recognizing that you have the power to create value in the world, you can help. And when you create that value, and stay focused on that value and the other laws, your world will shift. And your story will inspire others and the ripples will spread. You've already inspired me - see, the ripples are spreading...

  2. Matt, thank you for that amazing review, and for your total authenticity in sharing your story. The good news is, "the story ain't over -in fact, it's just beginning." There's no question in my mind that you are adding and will continue to add great value to the world, and you will reap the rewards for it, financially and in all the other areas of success so important to living a full life.
    Thank you, my friend,

